Motorcycle Academy Project -

Telefono: 3515569497.
Sito web:
Specialità: Scuola, Service establishment.

Opinioni: Questa azienda ha 11 recensioni su Google My Business.
Media delle opinioni: 5/5.

Posizione di Motorcycle Academy Project

Motorcycle Academy Project è un'azienda specializzata nel settore delle moto, con sede a [Indirizzo]. Puoi contattarli al telefono: 3515569497. Visita il loro sito web:

Le specialità di Motorcycle Academy Project includono la gestione di una scuola di guida e un centro di assistenza. Sono conosciuti per la loro competenza e professionalità nel settore.

Con 11 recensioni su Google My Business e una media delle opinioni di 5/5, Motorcycle Academy Project è ampiamente apprezzata dai propri clienti per la qualità dei servizi offerti.

Se stai cercando un luogo affidabile per imparare a guidare una moto o per effettuare lavori di manutenzione, Motorcycle Academy Project è la scelta ideale. La loro vasta esperienza nel settore assicura servizi di alta qualità e un'attenzione personalizzata ai clienti.

Per chiunque sia interessato al mondo delle due ruote, contattare Motorcycle Academy Project è la scelta migliore per iniziare un percorso di apprendimento o per ricevere assistenza specializzata. Non esitare a visitare il loro sito web e a contattarli per ulteriori informazioni

Recensioni di Motorcycle Academy Project

Motorcycle Academy Project -
Silvia Campestre

I love bikes, but unfortunately, I still don’t have one of my own. I will take the license exam next year, so I began studying with MAP. I love this course! It gave me so many notions about the working principles and riding techniques that I feel like a better rider (and passenger). There is also a section that talks about mental and physical training to maximize safety and performance. Probably the best material I could find online!

Motorcycle Academy Project -
Ivano Spigariol

In this course I found everything is needed to know about a racing motorcycle: videos, phots and schemes are very itelligible and they provide the right mix between theory and practice. The course covers any important aspect and it provides useful knowledege on both track and street use of the bike. The instructors are very clear and they explain in detail every topic. For me it has been absolutely useful and gave me the expertise I wanted! Strongly suggested to anyone who has a genuine passion for the motorcycle!

Motorcycle Academy Project -
Andrea Sciurpa

I was a bit skeptical about learning this stuff online: in the past I took some riding courses at the track and the overall cost was more than 4 times the price I paid for this course. I decided to buy it because I got a coupon with a 50% discount during an exhibition. Honestly it has been the best purchase I could possibly do as a motorcycle enthusiast! It literally changed the way I look at the bike. The instructors made the real value: the opportunity to learn from real motogp engineers makes all the difference. Now I can perform the complete setup of the bike alone, I know how to maintain the bike and I have understood how to use the tires. With the knowledge gained I am sure I also improved safety, and I feel more confident during the use. It is really suggested to anyone who deeply loves bikes, for road as for racing use!

Motorcycle Academy Project -
Mario Sorrentino

I am 25 and I am an engineering student. I am also a motorcycle's enthusiast and thanks to this course I was able to better understand both things in a single shot! I was astonished to see how the instructors were able to explain very complicated concepts in a such easy and clear way. I am glad I decided to follow this course because I gained consciousness and I feel much more safe while riding. I would absolutely recommend this course to anyone who dreams to work in this field, or simply to anyone who wants to ride better, faster and safely. I hope they will decide to produce also a second part!

Motorcycle Academy Project -
Matteo Queirolo

I took the Motorcycle Academy Project course that was given to me as a birthday gift by my friends. I have always been a motorcycle enthusiast, more specifically of sports bikes and track driving. I was very impressed with the lessons and the topics covered, they are all very precise, they go into detail without ever getting boring. I have very basic knowledge of mathematics and physics and I was able to follow almost all of the topics covered. Where I did not understand, I asked for clarification with an email to which I immediately received a very clear answer. The instructors are all very well prepared, expose complicated topics in an easy and comprehensive way. If like me you are passionate (and a bit nerd) of "why" and "how does it work?" I highly recommend this course, you won't be disappointed!

Motorcycle Academy Project -
Matteo Lombardi

The MAP course is really wonderful, it helped me a lot to gain more knowledge about my bike!!!
I strongly recommend it to every motorcycle enthusiast! Hopefully they will come out with a second, even more advanced, edition ☺️☺️☺️

Motorcycle Academy Project -
Alessandro Gemito

The course is complete with everything you need to perfectly understand how a motorcycle works, how it behaves and how to make the most of it both on the track but also in everyday life. Complete course and perfectly explained.

Motorcycle Academy Project -
Giuseppe Nori

After almost 50 years riding motorcycles, I decided to learn something more about the right riding technique. So I looked online to find some material suitable for me. Thanks to a friend I discovered the MAP course. I focused the attention on the topics I was more interested in. I was really surprised to discover so many aspects that every rider should know before even start! There are detailed explanations about riding technique, maintenence, suspension setup... Going through the material I litterally lost track of time. It is really the best material related to motorcycles I have ever went through in all my life!

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