Lake Como School - Menaggio, Provincia di Como

Indirizzo: Via per Barna, 20, 22017 Menaggio CO, Italia.
Telefono: 3339568539.
Sito web:
Specialità: Scuola di lingue.
Altri dati di interesse: Parcheggio accessibile in sedia a rotelle.
Opinioni: Questa azienda ha 7 recensioni su Google My Business.
Media delle opinioni: 5/5.

Posizione di Lake Como School

La Lake Como School è una scuola di lingue situata a Menaggio, un comune italiano affacciato sul bellissimo Lago di Como. L'indirizzo esatto è Via per Barna, 20, 22017 Menaggio CO, Italia. La scuola è facilmente raggiungibile ed è accessibile anche a persone con mobilità ridotta, grazie al parcheggio disponibile.

La Lake Como School offre una varietà di corsi di lingua italiana per studenti di diverse età e livelli. Puoi scegliere tra corsi individuali o di gruppo, corsi intensivi o meno, e corsi tematici su argomenti specifici. Gli insegnanti sono madrelingua italiani, qualificati e con esperienza nell'insegnamento dell'italiano come lingua straniera.

La scuola è situata in una posizione ideale, nel cuore di Menaggio, un paese vivace e ricco di storia e cultura. La scuola è circondata da bellissimi giardini e si affaccia direttamente sul lago, offrendo una vista mozzafiato e un'atmosfera rilassante.

Gli studenti della Lake Como School hanno la possibilità di partecipare a varie attività ed escursioni organizzate dalla scuola, come visite a musei, mostre, cantine vinicole, laboratori artigianali e molto altro. In questo modo, gli studenti possono non solo migliorare la loro conoscenza della lingua italiana, ma anche immergersi completamente nella cultura e nel modo di vita italiano.

La Lake Como School ha ottime recensioni su Google My Business, con una media di 5/5 basata su 7 recensioni. Gli studenti apprezzano la professionalità e la competenza degli insegnanti, la varietà dei corsi e delle attività, la bellezza della location e la cordialità del personale.

Recensioni di Lake Como School

Lake Como School - Menaggio, Provincia di Como
Maximilian Alexander Ilgenfritz

Caterina is a very good teacher.
I started learning Italian and it improved very fast.
Learning is a lot of fun. It is very methodical. We played games, went to the city, listened and sang music.
The lessons are very professional. Catharina adapts the learning style to your character.
I can highly recommend it.

Lake Como School - Menaggio, Provincia di Como
Reigen Miller

We spent a week learning with Caterina in gorgeous Menaggio and it was a blast! I highly recommend doing the class. It was fun, with games and even an amazing cooking class where we made our own pasta...?! I started at a very low level and felt like I learned a lot and got a confidence boost towards my next steps in learning the language.

Lake Como School - Menaggio, Provincia di Como
Enrico Tarallo

Caterina is an excellent teacher. She is fun, innovative and creative and quickly engages you in using and learning Italian. When you are learning with her, it is not like a traditional class. In fact, you don't even realize you are learning sometimes because you are playing a game, singing a song, or acting out a scene but before you know it you are speaking more and learning Italian grammar and vocabulary!

Lake Como School - Menaggio, Provincia di Como
Fran Wickner

Everything about this school is wonderful. The teachers are really exp- erienced and make learning extremely enjoyable. There are lots of fun activities: eating dinner with the teacher and other students, hanging out in the evening and a cooking class. The school is located in one of the most beautiful places in the world, Lake Como. I recommend staying at the hostel, it's close to the classroom and you'll meet people from all over the world (by the way, we are middle aged and there are lots of older people here, it's not only a "youth " hostel). Plus the staff is friends with the teachers so they will practice Italian with you!
If I could have stayed for a month taking classes at Lake Como Italian School I would have, it is really fun and took my Italian to the next level.

Lake Como School - Menaggio, Provincia di Como
Su Su

I only spent one week in como and visited the Italian course at lake como school. Catarina the organizer and teacher was sooooo friendly and supported me with all my wishes:). she was responding very soon and also could organize a sailing trip on lake come. We were a small international group and it was very efficient. The teaching style is not like in school where you have a book and go through the chapters It was mor "freestyle" and we align also on the topics. this was a very effective method and it has helped me so much more than any other type of studying. I definitely recommend this to anyone who wants to improve their Italian language skills (even a couple of lessons already have such an impact!). I tried to get the most out of my visit in Como. This really is a perfect place to start (or improve) your Italian as you don't get frustrated with grammar and actually learn vocabulary and phrases used by people everyday. Furthermore, all the teacher I had was lovely and easy going which is why I was always looking forward to class. I am very thankful for having found this place and will definitely take a couple more lessons next time I am in Como, or will continue with Skype lessons.

Lake Como School - Menaggio, Provincia di Como
fr p

Lake Como School is the place where I learned Italian this summer. I keep good memories of the days I spent there, thanks to the teachers I met and to the location of the school. Moreover: the school consist of taught classes but also activities (which I found stimulating in my learning process). I reccomend this experience.

Lake Como School - Menaggio, Provincia di Como
Donato Selva local guide 7 livello

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